Because you DESERVE them! Young Living isn't just some oils in a bottle it's a whole new lifestyle. It's a way of caring for your family in a safe way. It's a way of dealing with stress in a healthy way (stress does BAD BAD BAD things to our bodies and lives). It's a tool to use when emotions are getting out of control. It's a better, simpler, easier way to clean our homes. It's supplements that work, Ningxia Red that really deserves it's very own page (it's that incredibly awesome) and it's toothpaste, face wash, pain creams and energy drinks that are SAFE, EFFECTIVE AND SIMPLE USE. You need this, your family needs this and oils are just the beginning. With the Young Living Lifestyle giving your family the best chance at wellness is simple. 


There are so many oils out there - how do you know which ones to use? Are they pure? How do I use them? What do I do when I bring these things home? 


I am going to do my best to answer these questions in a simple, non-freak out way. Here are my reasons why I use essential oils and why I chose Young Living, but this is all about YOU! So grab your coffee and and watch this first video and see what you think.


 Click on SEED TO SEAL to go to Young Living's Website 

This website explains the whole process. Did you know that organic is only PART of the importance of your oil? How long each harvest should sit before it is distilled and how it is distilled has a lot to do with the therapeutic benefit. Young Living is the only company IN THE WORLD  that does this. I could talk about this all day, it's that important, but we aren't farmers so let's move on. Did you check out the website? OK - so now we know that you get PURE & TESTED oils. Oh yeah, did you know you can actually visit the farms and see the process or help with the harvest? Pretty cool! 


You are also a part of A DROP OF JOY when you sign up for a kit with us. We are a community and place to ask questions and support each other. This group is a piece of my heart. A precious place where we can grow together and share our stories, oils and our lives. Did you know that other groups don't do this? Say what?!? Yep...that makes us pretty special and we think you are special too!

Finally, you get to participate in fun classes where we make recipes and learn fun ways to use our oils together. Oils, yummy snacks, no kids...need I say more?!?