I had no idea what essential oils were, how I could use them and why in the world I would want to. Can anyone relate? I mean, I was a teacher (hello germs) and then a pharmaceutical rep (hello drugs). And now here I sit with my bag of oils.

In September 2013, after a discouraging day at the doctor I found myself on Instagram looking at a little photo of the Premium Starter Kit. The girl had written something about her oils were helping her and that was it…I started googling Young Living Essential Oils and a few days later I ordered it mostly for the peppermint - or so I thought, and now I use almost every one of these oils every single day. Don't you just LOVE when God just blows your mind and surprises you?

I LOVE that I have a plan for myself and my family. No more reaching for chemicals to clean my house or put on my body. I now have a PLAN when my emotions are out of wack or we are feeling a little under the weather.

Daily at my house you will hear these words:
 No matter where my life situations have found me God is right there. He is always good. He loves me and holds me. He is my savior and my sustainer. I am doing my best to show these sweet kids I get to raise just how amazing of a God we serve. I fail daily but by the grace of our God they are falling in love with HIM too. 

My middle name is Joy and we have given the same middle name to both of our girls. It is the story of our life and the start of the story of A Drop of Joy. 

God is our father. He is faithful. He loves us. And He has given us these oils.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me. I can't wait to see how He is blessing you as well.

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There is NEVER EVER any pressure because that's not cool at all.